
Mario Larade

Nom : Mario Larade
Sport : Volleyball

Malgré deux défaites subies aux mains de UNBSJ et STU les 28 et 29 novembre, le capitaine des Dragons a su se distinguer.

Samedi, l'athlète-étudiant originaire de Chéticamp a accumulé 4 kills et 3 as au service. Dimanche, Mario fut le meilleur des siens avec 5 kills et 1 as.

Bravo Mario!


Université Sainte-Anne, in collaboration with the Conseil de développement économique de la Nouvelle-Écosse CDÉNÉ, is proud to unveil the program for the Economic Forum! As part of the Congrès mondial acadien 2024 (World Acadian Congress 2024), the Economic Forum will bring together from August 13 to 15 civil society leaders, industrial players, political decision-makers and academics. The current and future economic issues which Acadie confronts will be identified and discussed. While proceedings will be conducted in French, a translation service (simultaneous interpretation) towards English will be available on the 14th.

Take part in the conversion by registering before August 3rd!

Registration link:

Program (in French):!.X!/Forum_conomique_2024_-_Programme.pdf


Université Sainte-Anne, in collaboration with the Conseil de développement économique de la Nouvelle-Écosse CDÉNÉ, is proud to unveil the program for the Economic Forum! As part of the Congrès mondial acadien 2024 (World Acadian Congress 2024), the Economic Forum will bring together from August 13 to 15 civil society leaders, industrial players, political decision-makers and academics. The current and future economic issues which Acadie confronts will be identified and discussed. While proceedings will be conducted in French, a translation service (simultaneous interpretation) towards English will be available on the 14th.

Take part in the conversion by registering before August 3rd!

Registration link:

Program (in French):!.X!/Forum_conomique_2024_-_Programme.pdf