Antique map showing land owners in Clare
Antique map showing land owners in Clare

Online Database

The Centre Acadien's genealogical database is now online and accessible free of charge to anyone who creates an account (see next section). It contains the names of Acadian families from Baie Sainte-Marie (Sainte-Marie's Bay of Clare). It should be noted that the information within the database is provided as entered, which is to say it may contain errors due to unverifiable or non-existent sources, or as found within the primary source documents used to populate the database. We invite database users to notify us of any verifiable errors.

Access to the database

  1. Create your account with an email address,
  2. Receive a confirmation by email that your account has been created (please allow a variable time as the request is processed manually).
  3. Access the database with your login details (email and password).

Access the database / Create an account

Since the genealogy database is accessible online and freely to users, the Centre acadien will no longer process genealogical requests.